Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rules to make the scrum product development successful

Many people always look how to make their scrum projects successful. I am sure that these rules will help them a lot:

1. Identify Full-Time Product Owner
2. Product Owner Works With Team and All Other Stakeholders
3. Product Backlog Created and Managed by Product Owner
4. Daily Scrum Meeting with 3 Questions (Completed? Will Complete? Obstacles?)
5. Daily Scrum Meeting Same Place and Time and Less Than 15 Minutes
6. Regular Sprint Length (no more than 30 days)
7. Sprint Planning Meeting to Create Sprint Backlog of Estimated Tasks
8. Sprint Burndown Chart
9. Team Room with All Needed Equipment and Supplies
10. Retrospective Meeting for Process Improvements
11. Definition of "Done"
12. Commitment Velocity Calculated (from Sprint Backlog Estimates)
13. Team Size 7 +/-2, Maximum of 12
14. Cross-Functional Team Including ScrumMaster and Product Owner
15. Team Self-Organization - Team Members Volunteer for Tasks
16. ScrumMaster Tracking and Removing Obstacles
17. Team Safety - No Interruptions to Team's Work During Sprints
18. No "Break" Between Sprints
19. Sustainable Pace - Timebox Effort, Not Just Schedule
20. Quality is Not Negotiable - Defects Go on Top of Product Backlog

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