Monday, July 9, 2012

Story Point - Not an effort estimation

I always use to think that Story Point is an effort estimate technique till the time I actually encountered and applied in project.

It is important to understand that Story Points are relative complexity estimates and not effort estimation technique. It is always RELATIVE and not ABSOLUTE. Let me explain in crisp.
  1. Breakdown user stories to unit of relative size (small, medium, large, extra large....)
    • To compare feature relatively
    • Substitute to time
  2. Story points are not a measurement of duration but simple measurement of size/complexity
  3. Start with any standard feature and then other features(user stories) are 1X, 2X, 3X etc smaller or larger than that relative feature in size

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Project Estimates - Cost, Effort, Schedule, Timeline, Team Structure

How to estimate efforts for a project? This is a big question every time for many when they get new set of project requirement. Efforts estimation is not enough alone. We also need to do alignment and distribution of hours among the team and carve out the timeline and deliverable's for the project. I always use below simple format to  calculate project cost, efforts, timeline, deliverable, effort distribution for dual/single shore mode. Easy and simple format where you can put everything at one place and can be used as a dashboard for management view.

Architect Onshore
UX Designer
SharePoint Onshore Dev
DB Offshore Dev
Offshore Test
Total Hours



-Requirements Analysis
Functional Spec

-User research
Design wireframes



-Information architecture
Process flow Diagram/Site map

-Finalize architecture
Development Specs

Wk 3-7
Implementation Phase


-UI design
 UI Frames

-Backend Design
Demo -I

-Workflow Design
Demo - II

-Test Cases/Test plan
Test Plan

Wk 8
User Acceptance


-User Documentation
User Guide

-UAT Support
 Helpdesk Support

-UAT Sign off

Wk 10
Product delivery


-Deployment Instructions
Deployment Guide

-Deployment Packaging
Deployment Build 

-Code Hand Off
Code Database

Hours Total
Estimated Cost

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Project Gate Review Process

I have always been asked by many people what is the best way to inculcate a good review process around a project to stenghthen the delivery process. This caused me to think and implement below Gate Review Process to my projects. Trust me, this process has resulted realy good outputs/results if followed religiously.

Problem Statement
            Most of the project delivery goes through the critical path at the time of final delivery, and one of the reasons is observed that during the whole SDLC we are not reviewing the completeness of deliverables. This results in not identifying the risks at the right time and issues/rework at later stages.

Gate Process: In a SDLC process, the whole delivery is divided into several phases. Each of the phases has pre-defined entry and exit criteria. For every phase, there is list of stakeholders who needs to review the progress of the last phase and decide to move to the next phase.

Rules and Procedure:
1.    A Gate need to be approved before starting on next Gate
2.    Gate Owner is responsible for arranging the Gate review meeting. Along with meeting request, he should send the list of deliverables for review
3.    All the Gate reviewers must give their approvals/review comments either before (via email) or during the scheduled/planned meeting.
4.    Gate Approver will take the final decision to approve/reject the Gate or passing it with Concession(with list of action items along with their closure dates)
5.    A Gate can be approved with concessions (List of Pending Action Items with defined closure dates) but the next Gate can’t be approved, unless the concessions taken in previous Gate are addressed.
6.    Gate Owner will publish the Gate Report on Close of Gate Meeting.
7.    Every project plan should have these gates defined with planned dates and efforts.
8.    In-case the Onshore PM/Offshore PM/ Development Head needs any tailoring in above process, due to project requirements, the concession for the same needs to be taken in G0 or G1 phase.

Gate Name
List of Deliverables
Gate Reviewers Mandatory (in Green), Approver(in Red) and Stakeholder (Blue)
Project Sign Off
onshore PM
1. SOW/Scope Statement
2. Project Charter
3. Stakeholder Register
4. Project Site Locations
Onshore PM, Project Sponsor,
Development Head, Offshore PM
Project Kick Off
Offshore PM
1a. WBS/Task List
1b. Project Plan/Schedule
2. Signed Off FRS
4. Team Allocation
5.  Risk Assessment Meeting
6. Project Management Plan
7. Dev/Beta/Staging Refresh from Prod
8. Project Kick-Off Meeting (Full Project Team)
Development Head, Offshore PM, Onshore PM,Technical Lead, DBA
Design Complete
Offshore PM
2a. Approved HLD/LLD
2b. Process Flow Diagram(s)
2c. Data Flow Diagram(s)
2d. Wireframes, Samples/Mock-ups, Prototype(s)3. Updated Project Plan
4. Issue & Risk Register Updates
5. Test Plan
6. Design Review Meeting
Onshore PM, Offshore PM, Development Head, Technical Leads, DBA, Client
Coding Complete
Offshore PM
1. Updated HLD/TDD
2. Updated Project Plan/Schedule
3. Build Promoted to Beta
4. IT and System Test Scenarios and Test Cases Ready
5. Updated RTVM
6. Issue & Risk Register Updates
7. Code Review Meeting
Offshore PM, Development Head, Onshore PM,Technical Lead, DBA

Integration(Staging) Complete
Offshore PM
1. Updated Project Plan/Schedule
2. IT tested Build
3. IT Exit Report/Completed Test Cases(Dev team)
4. Updated System Test Cases
5. Implementation Review
6. Defect Tracking Sheet
7. Updated RTVM
8. Release Checklist(Dev team)
9. Issue & Risk Register Updates
Delivery Head, Offshore PM, ONSHORE PM, Technical Lead, DBA
System Test Complete
Offshore PM
1. Updated Project Plan/Schedule
2. System Test Exit Report/Completed Test Cases
3. Updated Defect Tracking Sheet
4. Updated RTVM
5. Implementation Plan– Draft
6. Build Promoted to Staging
7. Issue & Risk Register Updates
8. UAT Preview
Delivery Head, Offshore PM, Onshore  PM, Technical Lead, DBA
UAT Complete
Onshore PM
1. Updated Project Plan
2. UAT Exit Report
3. Updated Defect Tracking Sheet
4. Updated RTVM
5. Implementation Plan– Final
6. Final Build Promoted to Beta/Staging
7. Signed Release Acceptance Document
8. Updated Issue & Risk Register
9. Go/No-Go Meeting (Full Project Team)
Onshore PM, Client, Development Head, Offshore PM, Technical Lead, DBA, Project Sponsor
Onshore PM
1. Customer Issue Tracker
2. Updated Defect Tracking Sheet
3. Updated Issue & Risk Register
4. Build Deployed to Production
5. Updated RFC Record
6. Project Close-Out
Onshore PM, Offshore PM, Development Head,
Technical Lead, DBA

Project Control Book

To store and control the outcome documents of above given process and gates, a Project Control Book should be created as shared repository which will reside inside every project folder and will store the deliverables of every gate. The idea is to have the updated latest version of any deliverable available at a single location at any given point of time.