Friday, December 8, 2017

11 technologies of next decade

11 technologies of next decade:

1 #AI (machine/deep learning, NLP)
2 #IoT⌚️
3 smart robotics πŸ€–
4 3D print πŸ–¨
5 mobileπŸ“±
6 autonomous cars πŸš™
7 mobile internet πŸ’»
8 #blockchain ⛓
9 mixed reality VR/AR πŸ‘“
10 wireless power πŸ”Œ
11 quantum computing πŸ’‘

Why 90% of startups fails ?

Why 90%of startups fail:

1 no market need
2 no cash
3 wrong team
4 competition
5 price
6 poor product
lacklustre business model
8 poor marketing
9 ignore customers
10 mis-timed
11 lose focus
12 disharmony
13 pivot gone bad
14 lack passion
15 bad location
16 no financing/ investor interest
17 legal challenges
18 no advisors
19 burn out
20 fail to pivot

How to reduce your project stress

How to reduce your project stress:

1 don't respond to negativity
2 go for a walk, be active
3 be honest to your timeline
4 read, write more
5 give without expecting a get
6 breathe deeply
7 forgive first
8 write thank you notes
9 be a better friend
10 you are not your job
11 complain less
12 laugh more